You can take a look at my proofed results graph below:
The Early Morning Punter service is going to give you EVERYTHING you need to profit!!!
WHO AM I?                                  WHAT DO I DO?

Thank you for taking the time to visit “Early Morning Punter.” Hi may name is Mick and first of all let me assure you that what you see is what you get with me. I am not going to bore you with some dreamy story about how I first became involved in Racing 20 Years ago when my Grandad took me to the course and I had my first winner on the Grand National on Red Rum etc etc.

I am sure you get the picture as I read this on 75% of the tipster sites I look at these days and the story rarely varies very much. I am not prepared to fabricate a story and the bottom line is the reality is pretty boring and not worthy of endless lines of drivel for you to read.

Needless to say, I like Horse Racing and have followed it for some time along with a good few other sports but more importantly I like making money and I am one of the lucky people that is able to combine the two.

I have developed a system which essentially identifies winning horses for me and it couldn’t be simpler than that, not every horse wins of course but enough to ensure I am well on top and making some pretty decent money.

I have been making very good profits for over 5 Years now and sharing my bets with a few close friends who treat me to nights out every now and again but have been considering sharing my information to a wider audience for some time now mainly after my mates encouraged me to do so. In fact it was one of them who introduced me to Niall at WAP tipsters last Christmas and it has developed from there. He has promised me that if I can deliver the goods then he has the customers, I am not greedy and tbh what I am looking for is a steady long-term membership of around 100 for me to work with long term which shouldn’t affect the prices to much going

Why sell my tips, why not is my answer as its gives me potential to make more money and help others along the way. It’s not an ego trip and you will not find me at the Races flashing a wad of cash about this a serious business to me and that’s why I love getting all my business done early morning.

I get up about 6.00 then spend a couple of hours fine tuning and analysing the data and various aspects of my system against the days best races, conditions etc. Usually somewhere between 8.00 and 9.00 I have settled on my final selections for the day and as soon as I have made my bets that is when the information will be sent out to my members. For me the first and probably most important business of the day is now done, sometimes I watch the Races but not always and its certainly not essential for this service or even myself for my system.

I would like to tell you that I then spend every day on leisure time but its simply not true, what I do takes many hours of dedication as I continually fine tune the system and analyse the data. If you want to beat the bookies you can never sit back relax and think you have cracked it

Horse racing is a very complex sport. It's really tempting to just use a simple system. It's a hell of a lot of work studying form for hours, monitoring market info and checking multiple bookie odds for value.
But the problem is simple systems DON'T work...

You have to monitor and adapt to stay one step ahead of the bookies. Being a long-term winner at betting is tough. It's a full-time job to beat the bookies that requires hard work, dedication and skill.
But here is the good news - Fortunately for you there is an EASY way to profit on horse racing.

You just need someone who is an expert in the field and who is on YOUR side.

Simple Systems Don't Work Long Term!

£37 every 28 days
£85 every 3 months
You can visit the proofing link at the bottom of the page at any time to see my up to date results, it will all be there for you to see good or bad I assure you. As a Tipster I will always be judged on my results but rest assured if you are not making money then neither am I as my betting is my main full time gig.
I look forward to seeing you on the other side where I will give you all the staking and bank information you will need to make a success fo following my advice.

WAP Bets - International House, 12 Constance Street, London, E16 2DQ, United Kingdom
Thankyou for reading.
Mick, The Early Morning Punter
"You Can Forget Overpriced Rip-Off Tipsters"
I am sure you've tried the free tipsters and they've inevitably let you down despite the odd good run.

But, the problem is some of the premium tipsters are charging eye watering amounts. I'm talking over a £1,000 a year in some cases, or even £500 for just 50 points profit a Year.

I am not about to give my tips away but also realise that to new customers I have to prove myself so I have come to an agreement with Niall to give you all a reduced cost month to test drive my service.

What this means is you can get involved today with The Early Morning Punter at half price for your first month or quarter - a real bargain of an opportunity to see for yourself what I can do!

After your first slashed month you will still only pay less than £10 a week for my tips or if you take the recommended longer-term quarterly option it will cost you less than a pound a day to follow my advice ongoing. If the pay buttons below still work then we are still open for new business.

I think my results in just a small
period of time really speak for themselves!